Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Cleaning Marathon Today....

I've got to be honest with you...I am terribly worried about my husband...He works sooo hard and he does so much for other people.  His routine each morning is to get up ,turn the coffee maker on, let the girls out, feed the girls, feed the cats, then set down and read his bible and spend some quiet time with the Lord..and he lives this motto each day, " I get up each morning and I work for the Lord."  He does this 7 days a week just like clock work..His surgery coming up just terrifies me to death!  So many "what if's"!  So many unknowns....  Infact I broke down and I cried today when he came home for lunch and I gave him a big hug.  I even changed my routine today. I shut the TV off and put in "Joyce Meyer's Teaching CD - The Spirit Of Fear" , just what I needed to listen to.  How to conquer my fears!  We all have them.  And I cleaned while listening to Joyce. Getting down on my hands and knees and scrubbing the floor is very cleansing for me!  It helps me release all that stress I have bottled up inside of me..I ate lunch today, so this should not be considered "practicing" by any means. I cleaned and scrubbed for 3 hours .  I feel a sense of accomplishment.. Haven't touched my homework. I just wanted that scared, terrified, feeling to go away, and deep cleaning, praying, talking to God helped me a lot.  Don't mean to be a bore today...I am just emotionally drained..I find if I sit down for any length of time, my eyes go shut...I could really us a nap, but it's to late in the day.  All I want for Christmas is for my husband to be ok,Lord...That's all I ask... tears are filling back up...I did not want to cry again..I took the mineral "Chromium" it is Dr. recommended to suppress your you probably already know...not my appetite...I learn something new every day!!! Plus it's fairly cheap and you can buy it at Wal-mart! I guess I am half assidly practicing!!! :(  I will try and do better and not practice at all..The devil wants us to feel fear...God wants us to feel joy!!! I choose joy!!!  Catcha all a little later!

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